Wednesday, September 24, 2008

High On the Mountain Top

The other day, my room mate and I decided we would go to the Temple. When we arrived on that particular Saturday, we were told that we would have to wait maybe two hours or an hour and a half. I was determined to stay, no matter the cost. I knew I was meant to go there and I would be blessed. Consequentially, I had trouble getting my load of homework handled, but it all turned out right. I knew the wait would be worth it but I had no idea the wait would be what I needed most. 
I sat in the temple quietly with much to ponder. I'm not certain what I was thinking about particularly, but my heart was at peace and I was feeling explicit joy. The kind of joy that you cannot feel without the spirit. I felt impressed to open to Alma 32 after thumbing through the pages for a while. This is a side note, but God has such infinite wisdom and timing! Lately I had been reading that very chapter for various reasons. Once because that was where I was reading the Book of Mormon in the first place, the next because the other night I was talking with a friend of mine about that particular passage and here (significantly) was the 3rd time. I was somewhat skimming and often lifted my head to contemplate. Once, when I looked down my eyes connected as if drawn by a magnet to verse 15. To me, in that moment the verse had a much deeper meaning than when I had read it the past two times! It hit me that maybe God had been trying to tell me that certain thing 2 times before then. Again, I began pondering and the next time my head fell down my eyes rested on the last verse. It connected so beautifully with verse 15! I am so thankful for my Father in Heaven's long suffering. He is merciful and tender. My heart overflows with gratitude. I am so glad I was determined to go to the temple that day.
Truly I am blest everyday. Like this morning.
Last night I was afraid that I would not be able to get everything done in time for classes today. I had been working on a Relief Society lesson for this Sunday, so a lot of my time had already been taken up. But then I remembered in a blessing, it had told me that the lessons I prepared would not interfere with my school work, and that I would get everything in on time. So, at that point I knew it would work out. It turned out I hadn't needed to worry so much. Anyway, this morning I was still having a rough time getting up, and I needed help. Somehow I got the strength I needed. I've been realizing with something as simple as that, I need to give credit where it is rightfully due more often. I am learning to thank my God for everything in my life. As my creator, it is the least I can do, and in doing it, I feel like I am on His team - pressing foreword with a love of God and of all men.
My lesson in Relief Society covers a lot of aspects, but one of them is having concern for the one. I have also been trying to implement this in my life. Each day I pray for charity. In the temple I felt like I should try hard to have a soft heart that can be imprinted on. A heart that can be touched and bear the marks of those around me, so they will stay with me for a long time. Eternity. I must never allow someone to be Alone. They too must be Never Alone. They must know that they have sisters who love and Cherish them. They must know they will be cared for. 
I love this gospel with all my heart. I am again feeling the spirit all around me all the time. I know God is with me, and though I am far from perfect I am striving for it with all my heart. I feel my desires are one with His, though I do not know the turns my life will take, or where He would have me trod. But I know that I am getting closer to him, and all I can do is my best.

1 comment:

Biotonico said...

You are so amazing and I can tell that the Lord is with you. You really are a treasure and the Lord loves you as one of His choicest daughters. I am so blessed to not only be your friend, but to be your sister. You amaze me and now are teaching me things that can help change my life for the better. Thank you for your example.