Sunday, July 19, 2009

Enter in by the Gate

When my old roommate from my first semester at school called me to tell me that she was getting baptized I was completely overjoyed! I couldn’t even stand it! My heart was so full. And to me, it was out of the blue. I had worked with her and loved her so much during my first semester. I sat in on discussions with her; I had had many talks with her over lunch. I had let the Holy Spirit guide my thoughts and words (and that was later confirmed to me because it seemed like everything I told her was reiterated in blessings or discussions the missionaries would give). There was a point towards the end of the semester where I felt I had done my work with her. The rest was left up to her. I think I might have mentioned that to her. I believed she would be baptized one day, I just didn’t know when. I told her to take her time, because then it would be even more of a beautiful experience than if she didn’t wait until she was ready. I told her it would be a beautiful experience, and she would want it to be the best she could make it.
I knew I would like to attend the baptism, but I wasn't sure if I could. There wasn't anyone I knew of, that was going to make a trip to my college campus, and the car I drive is very old and the gas prices would amount to more than a plane ticket. So I opted to buy the ticket. It was s huge sacrifice oh my part. Not that it would be much of a sacrifice to someone else, but for a poor college student, it was a huge step. But the day I called my old roommate was the day I knew it was a good decision. I spoke with her and told her I was coming, and she expressed such gratitude and appreciation. Then I asked her about her decision and she testified very strongly about the gospel. I think I got an inkling of what it meant in D&C 18 where is says how great our joy will be if we bring one soul to Christ. It wasn't so much because of what I had done (for I merely listened to what God wanted me to say), but it was the joy of seeing her take that step. She was entering the waters of baptism! I felt like the people in Mosiah 18:11 and wanted to clap my hands with the excitement I was feeling. I was overjoyed.
Her baptism was perhaps the most beautiful I had ever witnessed. She was so beautiful! I know from when I was living with her that she just shined with the light of Christ, even before becoming a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Now that she has the Gift of the Holy Ghost and the conviction of the Spirit, I see her with a light unlike I had ever seen with her before. Truly, there has been a "change [of] heart (Alma 5:14)” and she has become “a new creature (2 Corinthians 5:17)”. She even told us of how before she joined the church she would feel the spirit around certain people as long as they were with her, but when they were not, the spirit would leave (except in those special instances the spirit would touch her to testify of truth). She says it was not with her, but fleeting. How amazing she was to recognize that.
Her baptism was not only a blessing to herself, but also a blessing to many others. Here was a grown woman who was discovering truths I had known as a child, and forgotten or taken for granted. I do remember as a child, before my baptism I had so desperately wanted the spirit with me continually as well. And I did feel the change. But she has realized so many other things. She is discovering sanctification. She is discovering truth and the restoration. She is getting so much more out of it; more than I could have imagined at age 8. At that age, I was aware of what I was doing, it felt right, and I did have my little testimony in my own way, but it was a simple understanding. My roommate has searched it out and gained a better understanding. She is really wise!
Her baptism also gave us opportunity to testify. I was asked to speak on baptism. I did get choked up, though I was told it just looked like I got really nervous all of a sudden and it looked like I was freaking out instead of being touched. Oh well. I knew what I felt and I think my roommate knew me well enough to know that I was caught up in the moment. Also, two bishops (her ward and our old bishop) welcomed her into the ward. Both talks were great, and the spirit was strong. Afterwards I went up to the Bishop I had and thanked him for his message that day. He thanked me also, and then pulled me into a big hug. I don’t think that my bishop before that moment had ever hugged me. I was stunned. But then he told me it was good people like me that made this happen. I said yes, many good people. Because during that trip, I began to see how I had impacted my roommates’ lives. They didn’t see it or recognize it (I think that is the beauty of it, because my example had just become a part of them). I was just a piece to a big puzzle in God’s hands, interwoven into a beautiful tapestry of grace, beauty and love. God does love his children and answers to their needs. I have been part and recipient of that in my life. We are all a part in uplifting and edifying each other, for we are Never Alone. And I will always thank my God for that.

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