Saturday, October 10, 2009

Conference Weekend

Wow how time has flown! Conference weekend I was blessed to be able to spend it with my Grandparents and Uncle. A friend at school was driving down to Salt Lake because he had a mission reunion on the way there. So Friday night before I got to my Grandparent's place I got to go with him. I admit, I was really nervous about it since we didn't have any sort of relationship. I thought it would be awkward since I knew the first thing people were going to assume. And assume they did. I tried to hold my water or apple cider with my left hand, but I guess after people are married they forget to do a ring check. Oh well. It was fun anyways. It was fun to meet new people. I did run into someone I knew very briefly, and it was fun to look at mission pictures.
Eventually I did make it to Grandma and Grandpa's house. Grandma was in the process of remodeling her front room and putting in new carpet in the front room, kitchen, and a few bedrooms. So things were a little askew, but it turned out to be more fun than anything. When I was discussing the trip with her I suggested that I would be able to help her with the transition, but she insisted most of that was already taken care of. I just got to do the fun things with her. I got to go shopping for couches! I got to give my opinion on couches in contrast to a carpet sample we carried around with us and move furniture around to see what would work best in the new arrangement. I never knew it could be that fun! And while she was in a "out with the old and in with the new mood," we decided I could have her ridiculously comfortable rocking chair! She was being very generous I'm sure. It was so funny because it was a last minute decision. So random! But it is a done deal and I am very grateful for that. Also, Grandma and I enjoyed a girl's night out Saturday night at Deseret Book. This is also one of our traditions for General Conference.We stood in line so that we would be one of the first hundred people to go in so we could claim our prize (this time around it was a plaque). Grandma was kind to buy me a book I wanted by Elder Holland (my early Christmas present!) and we waited a little while in hopes that we would win something. And win something we did! Grandma got a picture she thinks she might frame.
And then a trip to Grandma's would not be complete if we didn't stop for Chinese! Mmmmmm....I hope that is a tradition as well.
Grandma was so kind in that she let me go out into the back yard and pick apples and pick out tomatoes! MMMMmmm! Nothing like fresh fruit or veggies from a garden! Can you say scrumptious? And the best thing is I was worried I was going to get scurvy from not getting in my produce. Just kidding, but produce can be so expensive! I was so thankful and I think blessed. Grandma says the apples got just a little bit sweeter since we had a little chill the night before.
Well, Conference was in of itself wonderful as it always is. If you asked me what my favorite talk was, I wouldn't be able to tell you since that is like asking me what my favorite scripture is! But I thought they were all wonderful and I really enjoyed finding themes throughout the whole conference. But I'll get to that in a little bit.
A friend from home drove up also for a mission reunion and got tickets to the Sunday morning session and invited me to go with him. Who can pass that up? It was so cool to get there early because the Mormon Tabernacle Choir was singing the Spoken Word. We got to hear it I think twice as they ran through the pieces at least once before they went on. As a music major it was absolutely fascinating! I was able to hear things with the aural skills I have been developing and I payed closer attention to the conductor's conducting. It was so unique, but I think I was able to understand the reasons behind his style. It was amazing! It was also amazing to see the prophet walk in and every voice be quieted. There was a reverence that followed in the whole Conference Center.
But I have a funny story concerning the friend I was with. So I became increasingly aware that he did have stronger feelings for me then I had anticipated. I mean, I knew he liked me, but as time went on, he would say certain things, and I could just feel apprehension rising within me. I really wanted to avoid him bringing up a DTR or asking how I felt about him. Before I left for school I had thought that I made it pretty clear that I wasn't interested in a relationship and that I was fine with being "just friends". But some people just are persistent I guess. So I was already freaked out and was doing everything I could to direct attention to where we were going, or the conference itself, or the lovely choir. When we got out of the Conference Center, so far so good. We walked across temple square and I let him escort me. I thought that was only polite and it wouldn't allow him to try to hold my hand or something. So as we were walking towards the parking garage where we were parked he glanced behind his shoulder and and said, "Well, no one is behind us so this is as good a place as any," released his arm from my grip and dropped to one knee. I think I was in shock first and then I was frantic. He grabbed my hand and then said, "I have to tie my shoe." What a tease! I couldn't believe that he had succeeded in pumping so much adrenaline into my system in less than a minute! I think we did share a good laugh from the experience.
Listening to Conference, I couldn't help but notice that a lot of what the speakers were saying seemed directed towards friends I have out on mission. At least in the first two sessions. Usually I find things which seem to be directed towards me personally a lot easier. Like in the Relief Society broadcast. I had felt a lot of the things said did apply to me and my Relief Society President since we were serving in the presidency together. During this one, it seemed to me personally, that a lot of what they were saying were things that I was already working on or had developed my testimony on especially within the past year. After Conference I did make a connection when I was sitting in one of my classes. I noticed a couple of themes and talks that connected with each other. A particular topic I think I felt most strongly about was love. How appropriate for our time! Especially since people have defined our generation as the "me generation". I have always thought of love as the most powerful thing in the universe! I'm going to site a scripture, but I'm going to replace a word with "love". I hope I'm not being blasphemous by doing so, but I feel this is my logic. 2 Nephi 2:13: "And if ye say there is no law, ye shall also say there is no sin. If ye shall say there is no sin, ye shall also say there is no righteousness. And if there be no righteousness [ or love], there be no happiness. And if there be no [love] or happiness there be no punishment nor misery. And if these things are not there is no God. And if there is no God we are not, neither the earth; for there could have been no creation of things, neither to act nor to be acted upon; wherefore, all things must have vanished away." If this word substitution is valid, then without love there is no God, for God is love (please see 1 John 4:7-12). And certainly without love the atonement would not have happened and everything would be lost (Mosiah 16L4). But what about in our own daily lives? Are we utilizing that? And how would we utilize it? While sitting in class a (not the connection because there are so many concerning love) connection came to me. Conference focused on Love, Revelation & The Spirit, and Families (at least that is how I saw it). Now, these are all related and centered around love. Simply stated: Because you sincerely love your family you can receive revelation through the Holy Ghost as to how best to serve them. I believe this is especially true of parents. For one of the fruits of the Spirit is love (Galations 5:22)! Especially in the world we live in where child abuse (verbal or otherwise), neglect and other family issues are so prevalent. If we sincerely love those we associate we can very much serve them in capacities we did not imagine. Our Love can also be measured in sacrifice. M. Russel Ballard once said, "The degree of our love for the Lord, for the gospel, and for our fellowman can be measured by what we are willing to sacrifice for them. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ manifested the supreme example of this love." If we truly recognize the family as "central to the Creator's Plan (The Family: A Proclamation to the World)" and the sanctity of marriage, can it be assumed that we would sacrifice the things of the world to open the windows of heaven to us and our families. Can this love from our hearts be motivation to come unto Christ and allow his spirit to come into our homes? I say yes. I also testify that the commandments from the scriptures and prophets will not be a nuisance. We will find our stony heart will be replaced with a fleshy heart within ourselves (2 Corinthians 3:3). We will find ourselves wanting to be better. We will recognize the blessings of righteous living and thirst after it.
Most importantly, we are not Alone in this quest. We have a Loving Lord and Savior who invites us to come to him continually. He will never forsake us, thus we must "never no never forsake" (Hymn No. 85).

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