Sunday, February 5, 2012

First Baby!

Its about time I actually posted about current events. This is a big one! I'm pregnant! 14 weeks to be precise. I don't mind sharing how this came to be because it is nothing short of a miracle (in my mind at least).

We had thought about the possibility of trying for a baby for sometime, but it didn't seem right.  Then last summer I calculated that we could probably have a baby before I graduate and before my big senior recital--that is, if we got pregnant right away. Otherwise, it seemed it would be too late. I think that is when I had a chemical pregnancy. So nothing came of that and we were short on time. So we didn't try the next month. It was important to us that we get our degrees. We knew that they would benefit our family in more than just monetary value.

Then I didn't feel completely right about our decision to wait. I can't explain the feeling, but I've had those kinds of feelings before, and I recognized the source. I knew that if we tried again, we would ultimately risk my degree of choice since we probably weren't going to stick around just for me to finish my last few classes. I would still graduate with A degree, but not necessarily the one I wanted. But God was speaking to me. I had to obey. I told my husband about it, and so we started to try again.

Five months went by. Nothing happened. I was beginning to feel concerned. This was supposed to be the most fertile time of my life, right? Were we supposed to try to get pregnant just so I could find out something was wrong with me so we could get pregnant at a later date? For all I knew (yes, I was thinking dramatically...) this was all so I could go see a doctor and find out I had cancer or something that needed to be taken care of.

The next month we conceived. I was really relieved...and excited! I did the math and figured out that we would have the baby right after we were scheduled to graduate. Wow. It was perfect.

I can't help but think that during this time my faith was being tested. This pregnancy could have messed with my whole degree plan. Four years of hard work! But we moved forward in faith despite all that because of a very special prompting. It was one of those moments where I echo Joseph Smith: "I knew it, and I knew that God knew it." Then because of our faith, we were rewarded tremendously. The timing couldn't have been better.

So yes, I'm experiencing morning sickness, and all kinds of other symptoms. I won't bore everyone with the list. I think that my morning sickness is getting better, though I'm still really frustrated with food in general and my "turbulent tummy." I really want to be done with this stage...

Yes, its been challenging to balance my new physical needs with school. I've only stayed home from school a couple of times. Mostly, I've been able to attend all my classes and get my assignments done. Pregnancy really creates a new time restraint because now I'm limited in the amount of time I'm still ticking. I have to find time to take naps during the day. I've been able to achieve straight A's the last few semesters, but I think I've come to accept that this semester may be different. I don't like the thought, but I like the thought of having a healthy baby more.

The exciting thing is that we've been able to witness one ultrasound and listen to the heartbeat. Both times they said the heartbeat was were it should be. In the ultrasound, at 10 weeks, we saw the baby moving around like crazy! My husband says he or she was just dancing around. It really did look like out baby was a pretty serious break-dancer (hah j/k)!  I've been reading that sometimes an active baby means a healthy baby. They also said that our baby appeared to be about four days ahead of schedule, but it wasn't anything to get too excited about. I'm under the impression that our baby will come around the expected due date anyway. Also, I am measuring "perfect."

Ok, so funny story: The first time we went in for an appointment, the scale in the office matched our scale at home. Then over the course of a month, I started to notice that it looked like I was loosing weight. I knew that some women did loose weight in the first trimester due to morning sickness, but I was eating regularly and I wasn't throwing up all that often. I thought maybe this was due to a change in diet, since there were certain foods I just couldn't seem to eat anymore. I started to get concerned when I "lost" around ten pounds. At my next appointment I had gained a couple pounds. Relief! That's about where I needed to be. Not too much, not to little at this point. It seems our scale had slowly broken. It is off by ten pounds!

In any case, it seems that we are doing really well. We are busy with school, but healthy. We are very excited and terrified to be parents. I read everything I can get my hands on. I feel very humbled that God made things turn out "just right" the way he did. It is yet another testimony to me that we are Never Alone!

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