Monday, August 10, 2009

Family Fun from Florida

What an amazing summer this has turned out to be. In honor of the arrival of my nephew, my whole family managed to make it out to Florida for the birth and blessing of the baby. My mother and I flew out first leaving my sister and father. We had a layover, but when we were making the first flight out, we were able to give out a pass along card. I was so excited because I usually try to look for opportunity to share the gospel when I travel, but since I mostly fly out to my college town and back, there isn't much opportunity. I think in the last four times I have traveled out there I have been sitting right next to someone of my own faith. Our second flight, we didn't get to share a message of any kind but was pleasant still. We arrived late and we were picked up by my brother-in-law's brother. He was very kind and I was impressed with his seemingly genuine interest in us. As it turns out, over the next three weeks we really learned that his heart is absolutely golden and he is an exceptional young man.
My sister and her husband were living with his parents for the time being, so it was very generous of them to take us in for such an extended period of time (especially since their son gave up his room for us). We were very grateful to them. And what a beautiful home they had! I was amazed at the beauty of it, and how they had put a lot of hours and craftsmanship in themselves. They also had the most beautiful sounding piano. I was absolutely in love with it! Outside they had chickens, cows, ducks, goats, dogs, and geese. They had just about everything a child could want: trampoline, pond (complete with a canoe and oars), and space to run around. It was really beautiful. I think my mom and I were more anxious about the bugs and things outside than anything, but my sister and I did manage to try out the canoe for a little time while we were there.
While we were there we had fresh eggs and fruits and vegetables all the time. But I think the thing that was most pleasurable was my sister's mother-in-law's cooking. It was delicious! And she didn't mind sharing what she knew, she just moved super super fast, so we didn't always catch what she was doing. While there, we did learn a few tricks, but more importantly, we learned to be more provident livers and I was inspired and came up with a few ideas of my own for when I return to school.
Some of the exciting events we were there for was my sister's baby shower that was put together by some of the ladies in her ward, doctor appointments (including NSTs), shopping in preparation for the baby, exercising with my sister, attending the temple twice, church on Sundays, the baby's blessing, and cooking and cleaning together as a family. All of the above I feel was great for my learning and growth, though I was supposed to be the one helping out. I became more aware of things that go on when a woman is expecting, and I became more aware of the steps one might take to buy a car, or get a house, you know, basic life stuff I wasn't familiar with. It was an eye opener and I was glad that I won't be completely lost when I get to do those things. I also think I began to appreciate and love my brother-in-law more than I had before. He really became like a brother to me. I don't know if he liked getting to know me more, but I sure enjoyed the experience. I understood to a greater extent the love he has for my sister and the capability of him to take care of her. Not only in just the way a husband should put on the role of provider and protector, but he is an emotional support that I could never be for her. Even growing up, I thought she was the closest person to me, and I knew how to say the right things, but I could/can never do for her what her husband did/does. He also became one of my heros. I have really come to admire him and his patience, love, and work ethic.
I think the two events that were most important to me was when I got to visit my grandparents and (of course) the birth of my nephew. My mom decided we would go visit my grandparents while they were so close, and since we didn't think the baby was going to come anytime soon. So we made arrangements to meet my grandpa at the temple and then he would drive us to his place so we could be with him and grandma. It was so sweet to be in the temple again, but it was even better to see my grandpa there. He was very helpful and considerate of everyone there. I reflected on how he and his family (including my father) were converts to the church. I know my Dad didn't grow up in the gospel and joined later in life, but at that moment I was so happy my grandpa did join the church. I have seen how the light of Christ can shine through someone, and that day it did light up my family's faces even more noticeably. And to me, that was the most beautiful thing of all. I can't wait until we reach the other side and we will all shine like that-with the pure joy on our faces that only can reach us through Christ. There weren't very many names that we got to do, but I didn't mind. To me it was worth it. After all we need the people on the other side like they need us. After we were done, we got to go home with grandpa.
We stayed with them a couple of days. Grandma seemed to find the energy be with us like she always does when we come. It amazes me to this day that she can be so ill, yet somehow pull strength out of thin air when family comes to visit. I'm glad we can give her that bit of joy in her life, where she may feel so secluded from the world. I think though, that was so special about this visit, was that I got to learn things about my grandparents that I didn't before know about. It made me even more proud to be part of the (insert my last name) family. I don't get to see my Dad's side very often, and sometimes feel like a part of my heritage or identity is missing from me. I sometimes feel like I'm missing an important connection. But being there with them was very pleasant and I know time I will treasure. I noticed a noble character in my grandparents I hope/wish I inherited.
We left there all too soon, but with my Grandpa's car. The fact that he let us drive his car around for a while, was a blessing from heaven. We gave my sister and her husband the mobility and freedom they had been craving for weeks. Instead of having to run plans through his parents first before any sort of outing could be executed, we were able to travel to enrichment activities, her ward activities, the hospital, the store, the post office, just everywhere! It was such a blessing to us. I really can't thank my grandpa enough for his generosity.
My sister decided it was best to be induced on such and such a date. So we drove her there and the doctor treated her, and left her to "marinate" during the night. I remember i did not want to leave the two of them in the hospital all night. I was afraid we were going to miss the time where she would need us, like if she was in pain or if she needed me to do some obscure thing that might ease her pain in the slightest. But I thought about it a little more in the hospital and realized, though I probably wouldn't sleep much, I could use rest for the birth that could potentially happen the next day and so could she. Also, I realized her husband was there with her, and might need the time with her. We had been in their lives for so long and I know, that not every brother/son-in-law would appreciate having his in-laws in for such a long period of time. It was time we gave them room and this time to themselves. I felt very strong impression about that, but still shed a little tear of my own as I walked out into the hall. I love my sister so much. I always have cared for her more intensely than almost anyone else I know.
The next day was the day! She dilated pretty rapidly during the night and when we got there was just about ready to start pushing. I kept keeping an eye on the monitor and watched for contractions. I also wanted to make sure the baby's heart beat was doing well. Not that I could do anything about it if something went wrong, but I just had to know! Well, witnessing labor for the first time, was quite the experience. I was almost surprised at how many people my sister wanted to share in this experience. In the room we had all the women from both sides of the family, and her husband. The doctor had a great bedside manner. He was patient, and encouraging. My sister had to push for a while. It took a while for the baby to crown, but after that, things went quicker. My sister was feeling pain on her left side, which helped because she could feel contractions, but made both of us cry. When she cried out I cried with her, I couldn't help it. I was good, though because I was able to control myself and keep a cool head. We gave her encouraging words and did what we could. Mom held her head up during contractions (so she would kind of curl her body) at the doctor's suggestion, the nurse and husband were down further down the bed supporting her, and I was at her head giving her the oxygen mask in between contractions and wiping her brow. I also did whatever the doctor and nurse told me to do. The nurse later thanked me for assisting (though you could hardly call it that). I thought that was nice of her to say since, I really didn't do much, but was more grateful to be doing SOMETHING! In a very bizarre way I felt we were all putting in a joint effort to have this baby! We as a family came together and did what we could to make this process as painless and as smooth as possible. The instant the baby was out he was beautiful. Absolutely. A precious, beautiful miracle. In that moment, the thought that came to mind was that this was completely worth it. I don't think I even know how much money I could have made while being in Florida for three weeks, what experiences I would have had, what friends I would have made, but this moment was all worth it. It was worth our sweat, our time, our flight, everything. My sister somehow appreciated us all there and the support that we gave. Bearing the first nephew, grandchild, great-grandchild, might not be so easy, since he is such a big deal to everyone in the family. But she did it, and willingly shared it with us.
I know and understand why my mother was there. She played a big role in being a new grandmother, answering questions, and giving assurance. But me? Why was I there? Was I there for me or for her? Was I selfish or was I really trying to give all I could? I think maybe both. But in any case, I was grateful beyond measure to witness such a precious occasion and meet my nephew, though I feel we met before. So maybe I should say, "greet" my newborn nephew.
The blessing of the baby was a special experience as well. My uncle and grandpa came down, and by that time, my Dad had arrived as well as my other sister. It was so cool to be together as a family. I only wish it could have lasted even longer. Again, my Dad's side of the family impressed me. I always love to see that particular uncle. You know when he is around you can always count on a good laugh and happy spirit. In the testimony meeting he bore his testimony and expressed his love to us girls. He almost made me tear up! The baby's blessing was on the noisy side, but didn't lack in the priesthood authority we are so grateful for and which made the occasion so sacred.
I think through this experience, I learned in some greater way, the meaning of love. Love runs much deeper than the expression of it. It can be so much more. It is the little things that most people won't notice, nor appreciate, but make all the difference. It is allowing someone to serve you occasionally (even when it makes you uncomfortable or you feel you should be serving them), because you know they want to and it contributes to their own well-being and growth. Love is never giving up and pressing foreword. Love is having a cheerful disposition and attitude, even when your world seems to be in peril. Love is eternal. Love has no limit and never will. While in Florida, I made many sacrifices, not many which are apparent, but I did learn a thing or two about how my heart can (and I hope will continue to) grow bigger, and I gained a testimony of God's love for me, for my family, for my little precious nephew. Sometimes we go through trial and tribulation, but that is all part of a love that is so perfect, we cannot understand it nor it's infinite nature. But we know because of the love from our families and our Heavenly Father we will not be alone, we will not be forgotten. We may not realize it while we go through some tough times, but those may be times that are most precious in the end. They may be gifts (3 Nephi 14:11). Like learning how to love even more that I knew how.