Sunday, April 15, 2012

Baby Update

I am now 24 weeks pregnant!

We have had two ultrasounds now and with each one nothing harmful or abnormal has been detected. I already think our baby is just so darn cute! Also, each ultrasound has revealed that our baby may be more developed then 24 weeks. Its more like we are a week or so ahead.
Also this month, I've read that our baby will double his weight. I believe it! For the longest time I did not seem to show, but then in the last few weeks, he just popped out of nowhere! (Oh, btw, its a boy!) I have a little round belly now. And what a kicker! He just is so active and strong. I have a silly fear that he is going to be one of those boys that I will have to chase around all the time! haha

So far we haven't bought any baby things, but I have made a hooded bath towel for him and am in the process of making his blessing outfit (if everything goes well...). I've been doing "research" on car seats and haven't gotten around to much else, though I have a pretty solid list of things we are going to need. I showed my husband and he was left wondering what we needed all that stuff for! haha. "Why do we need this?....Oh..." I told him a baby would be expensive!

To be honest, I think we are both scared and excited. We are excited to see just who will be the next member of our little family, but intimidated by the overwhelming responsibility. But, at the same time, though I am inexperienced I feel somewhat prepared from all my child development classes. But time will only tell how those have benefited me. Facts aren't everything.

Being my second trimester, I am feeling much better. Just little things bother me here and there, but nothing big. I just hope I can keep breathing until my senior recital!

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